So, to give an introduction to the blog here, I'm Matt Gregersen, Owner of Frontline Airsoft http://www.frontlineairsoft.com/ , and this blog will be my space to explore new ideas and highlight exciting new products coming into the airsoft market.
My passion for the last 5 years has been airsoft, I've gone through dozens of guns myself, and sold hundreds through ebay, locally, and through the website. I have a lot of fun researching and trying out airsoft-related products, so for our first post here I'll outline an idea I've had for a while and that's been specifically requested from Airsoft Retreat - upgrade packages.
We recently added a bunch of full tune up kits made by Modify ( http://http//www.frontlineairsoft.com/category/21957581 ), they are fantastic all in one tune up packages for the experienced airsofter. Our next idea though will be to combine a few of our upgrade items into very easy and economical upgrades - such as a tightbore barrel/new hop up unit/new bucking/Fish bone nub kit. These will be very easy for players to throw in their guns, and should be economical. Expect to see some soon, including pics here on the blog within the week, if you have any suggestions or comments make sure to drop us an email:
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