So we finally got some M203 launchers in, China made, full metal. These perform great, can attach to any RIS rail easily, and is very snug and secure once attached. If you haven't used or seen airsoft grenades used before, you should youtube it. They are very effective, especially through brush or in CQB situations, the intimidation effect alone of the loud POP when they go off is great. I get asked a lot how they work, so here goes: You obtain a 40mm Airsoft Grenade shell or shells, I recommend multiple ones. They come in all sorts of flavors, my favorite are the middle of the road ones, 40 - 80 rounders. All you have to do is fill the grenade with gas, green gas or propane with a propane adaptor, then load the bb's in (don't put bb's in first, sometimes the grenades air seals will pop while filling, and you'll get a face full of bb's if you put them in first), I like to use a cocktail of .12's, .20's, and sometimes .25's. This results in a nice shotgun style blast of bb's when you pull the trigger. A common misconception is that the shell flies out when fired, but this is not so, the shell stays in the M203 launcher, it just throws all 40 - 80 bb's out in one big blast. Range completely depends on the shell, 50 feet is around the max for most. There are some specialty shells out there that are fun, 10 mm rubber ball launchers, nerf foam rocket launchers, etc.
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